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Technological Society

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Above the Clouds
About The Author
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Alexander Robert is an entrepreneur, investor, and business owner in the field of Education. He has acquired numerous achievements academically in Canada where he resides, in addition to the accomplishments attained during his residency in Germany.

Alexander speaks fluent German and earned his private pilot’s license from an aviation school in Ontario, Canada.

A strategist and proficient academic, Alexander established and implemented a marketing plan for his business creating a brand at the broad and grassroots level. Brand awareness escalated from zero to becoming a household name among families with children.

Alexander is a high performing individual who is constantly experiencing life to its fullest and plans to continue learning and growing. He has travelled to seventeen different countries around the world and will continue to add to his list of adventures.

Studying geological sciences and with his experience working as a landscaper, Alexander loves nature and outdoor activities. He also loves sports such as: hockey, soccer, basketball, and golf. When he is not being active, Alexander can be found reading about the latest economic news, as he is an avid investor and business enthusiast. 

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"We are all experiencing the benefits as well as the consequences of the power of modern media. The internet has opened channels of communication, and information is at our fingertips like never before in history.


Alexander Robert’s analysis of Media, Human Genetic Modification, Dating Apps and their Impact and Education in his book “Technological Society” is detailed skillfully generating an entirely new way of looking at things. By example he teaches us to evaluate an area of concern by thinking outside the box and studying all angles of media’s message.


While reading Alexander’s book, I stopped and asked myself, “am I being brainwashed by technological society?”


This book is stimulating, educational and brilliant. It is a labor of love by author Alexander Robert."

 Melissa McCormick LL.D.(H.C)

Canadian Best-Selling Author, Editor, Publisher

Athena Award Winner

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